Author: Michele Jordan

New REMIT platform and information on REMIT II regulation

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Nemo Link also wish to draw our customers attention to the Regulation (EU) 2024/1106, or “REMIT II” which was published on 17 April 2024 in the Official Journal of the European Union, and most specifically, (amendments to Art. 9(1)) Registration of market participants from third countries.

This provision enters into force on 8th November 2024 and requires the following action:

  • A third country Market Participant shall designate a representative in a Member State in which the market participant is active on the wholesale energy markets by a written mandate.
  • The Market Participant shall mandate the representative for the purpose of being addressed by national regulatory authorities (NRAs) or ACER, on all issues necessary for the receipt of, compliance with and enforcement of decisions or requests for information issued in relation to this Regulation.
  • The representative shall have the necessary powers and means to guarantee the Market Participant’s efficient and timely cooperation with NRAs or ACER and to comply with their decisions and requests for information.
  • The Market Participant shall notify name, email address, postal address and telephone number of their designated representative to the NRA where that representative resides or is established and to ACER. The respective details shall be incorporated in the Centralised European Register of Energy Market Participants.


What does that mean for Nemo Link’s customers?

This is important for customers who are not residents or established in the EU and wish to nominate capacity on GB-EU interconnectors, including Nemo Link, as it means these customers will need to appoint a representative in writing to act on their behalf.

This representative will also act as the point of contact for the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) or the national regulatory authority (NRA) on all issues necessary for the receipt of, compliance with and enforcement of decisions or requests for information issued in relation to the revised REMIT.

Please note that other changes in the REMIT II Regulation that may also impact your trading in the EU wholesale market. You can find the legal text here for more information.

More information can also be found in the ACER and the European Commission Directorate General for Energy (DG-ENER) workshop slides discussing the implementation of REMIT II and its main implications, here.


Nemo Link’s REMIT messages Now Available on Elia’s IPP

We wish to inform market parties that REMIT messages on the Nemo Link interconnector are now also published on the Elia’s Inside Information Platform, alongside the Elexon’s REMIT portal.

Elia Group Inside Information Platform (Elia Group IIP) is a listed Inside Information Platform in ACER Registry.

For more information, please visit


If you wish to discuss the above or any other matters relating to Nemo Link, please don’t hesitate to contact the Nemo Link Customer Team.

UPDATE on the Regional Nomination Platform RNP

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Nemo Link wish to announce an update on the Regional Nomination Platform RNP.

As you may be aware RNP is a Consortium, whereby multiple Interconnectors including Nemo Link, IFA, IFA2, and Viking Link are party to the current contract to provide the Nominations system and services.

The current contract with RNP will end in February 2027, and for regulatory reasons the contract cannot be extended any further.  With this in mind, the Consortium made a decision to go back out to tender and retain that Consortium approach with Nemo Link, National Grid Ventures, RTE and Energinet. This approach retains close collaboration and agreement with all parties in order to drive efficiencies and optimisations for a Nomination platform moving forward.

For your information, the Request for Purchase (RFP) for RNP v2 has been issued and below is a high-level overview of the project timeline (with indicative key milestones):






What does all of this mean for our collective Interconnector Customers? 

We are keen to get you involved!

The Project Manager for RNP v2, Sarah Hadley, will be implementing a Market Engagement Group (MEG) for all customers that would like to attend.

There will be monthly Teams meetings from September/October 2024, with some also being in person in 2025. This gives the project a good opportunity to keep you informed of progress, as well as affording customers good opportunities to ask questions.

There will be various points where we will ask for input, for example testing of RNP v2 ahead of the platform Go Live. More details of these points will be given as we get a little further through the procurement process.

If you would like to be involved in the Market Engagement Group for RNP2 and receive the invitations and updates, please can you respond back to:


Should you have any questions on this or discuss any other matters, please do not hesitate to contact the Nemo Link Customer Team.

30-Minute Intraday Product Design Request for Feedback – Joint Consultation

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Nemo Link, together with ElecLink, BritNed, IFA, IFA2 and Viking Link today launch a joint consultation on a 30-minute MTU Intraday product.

The Interconnectors are considering changing to a 30-minute intraday product and seeking input from market participants to understand whether there is demand for such a product; if there are any preferences for how a future product should be configured; and whether there are any technical and/or procedural blockers that would dissuade or prevent market participants from moving to a 30-minute product.

A move to 30-minute Intraday MTU is expected to have benefits for market functioning that are more aligned with the 15-minute MTU, which is currently planned to go-live in the Single Day Ahead Coupling (SDAC) in Q1 2025 and which is already in place for XBID (Cross Border Intraday) and the IDAs (Intraday Auctions).

A short document with 4 possible design options and feedback questions can be found here.

Request for feedback response and deadline:

Market participants and stakeholders are invited to submit any comments or questions on the proposals by email by COB  Friday 5th July 2024 to the following email addresses:;;;;

Please include all above email addresses when responding to this Market Consultation.

If there are any comments you only wish to raise to any specific interconnector(s), please send your separate feedback to the email address(es) of the relevant Interconnector(s).

Please get in touch with the Customer Team if you have any questions or wish to have a meeting for further discussion on the above topic.

Nemo Link updates its dynamic overload facility hours

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From tomorrow, 17 April 2024, Nemo Link will move its dynamic overload facility which is current running each day between 17:00 – 22:00 CE(S)T to new timings between 10:00 – 15:00 CE(S)T.

This means the Maximum Physical Transfer Capacity (MPTC) of the interconnector at mid-channel reference point will be 1032MW for a period of 5 hours each day between 10:00-15:00 CE(S)T and please note this is only available in the direction BE to GB.

Subject to the day ahead capacity calculation process, market participants will see Nemo Link’s unrestricted Day Ahead Net Transfer Capacity (NTC) of 1032MW (BE to GB direction) between 10:00-15:00 CE(S)T in the day ahead auction on 16 April 2024 for delivery on 17 April 2024.

Any unallocated capacity will flow through to intraday auctions, subject to a further intraday capacity calculation process.


Effective from delivery 17/04/2024 until further notice

Background information:

The design of the interconnector means that Nemo Link has the ability to operate the interconnector for short periods (e.g. 5 hours) in excess of its nominal continuous rating by taking advantage of the thermal characteristics of the plant and the in-built redundancy of the cooling systems. Increasing the flow of the interconnector by 20MW is therefore possible for a few hours. This has been introduced on Nemo Link since 18th December 2019.


If you have any questions or need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Customer Team.

NEW CAL24 and CAL25 auctions added!

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Nemo Link is delighted to announce additional CAL25 and CAL24 Auctions taking place next week with 50MW expected to be offered in each direction in both auctions.

Details of the NEW auctions are as below: 

CAL 2025 (X) 

Auction Details:



Auction timings: 
Opening at 14:00 CET Monday 11 December  
Closing at 14:00 CET Tuesday 12 December 

Confirmed ATC Volumes: 
BE-GB 50MW  


CAL 2024 (VIII)

Auction Details:



Auction timings: 
Opening at 14:00 CET Wednesday 13 December  
Closing at 14:00 CET Thursday 14 December 

Confirmed ATC Volumes: 
BE-GB 50MW  


Auction Calendar: 

An updated Nemo Link 2023 Auction Calendar can be found here. 

Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact the Nemo Link Customer Team.  


Nemo Link 2023 Customer Forum

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Nemo Link announces first Y+2 product – CAL 2025 auction

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Contact Us

Please get in touch if you would like to explore trading opportunities or discuss any matters related to Nemo Link.

Customer Engagement Partner, Michele Jordan
Correspondence Address Nemo Link Limited, Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium

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